Weekly Bulletin
Established 1972
Jesus' Baptism and Connections to Daily Life
Hearing God’s Voice:
At Jesus’ baptism, the Father affirms His identity: “You are my Son, the Beloved.” We too are God’s beloved sons and daughters, yet how often do we pause to hear this voice? In our daily lives, amidst the noise and busyness, God continues to speak words of love and affirmation to us.
Take a moment each day to quiet your heart and hear God say: “You are my beloved.” How does this change the way you see yourself and others?
Living in Relationship:
The baptism event reveals God as a relationship of love—Father, Son, and Spirit. It invites us to reflect on our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and our community.
Are there relationships in your life that need healing, reconciliation, or deeper connection? How might you imitate the gentleness of the Spirit, the humility of the Son, and the love of the Father in your interactions?
Walking Humbly Like Jesus:
Despite being the Son of God, Jesus enters the waters of baptism in humility, standing in solidarity with humanity. His example challenges us to walk humbly in our own lives.
In what ways can you embody humility and solidarity with others—perhaps by reaching out to those on the margins, offering encouragement, or being present to someone in need?
Reflecting the Trinity in Community:
God’s Trinitarian nature teaches us that unity does not erase individuality. Just as the Father, Son, and Spirit are distinct yet united, we are called to build communities where diversity is celebrated and each person’s gifts are valued.
How might you contribute to fostering unity in your family, workplace, or parish community?
A Closing Thought
While we may struggle to fully comprehend the Trinity, we are called to encounter it with hearts open to wonder. The baptism of Jesus is an invitation to dwell in God’s love—a love that flows endlessly between Father, Son, and Spirit, and reaches out to embrace all of creation. May we carry this love into our daily lives, living as beloved children of God and sharing that love with others.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved……….forever!
The life of Jesus is marked by three solemn periods: his entry into the world, his public mission and his death on the cross. His mother is associated with these great events that bring about a whole new life. She is there as the sacrament of divine love, as the mysterious helpmate of the new Adam, in a new creation.
She gives birth on Calvary to all peoples in God, made fruitful by the blood and grace flowing from his Sacred Heart.
At Cana she obtains from her son the first of his miracles; she establishes the Apostles in faith and receives the assurance of the institution of the eucharist and other sacraments.
Jules Chevalier msc
OLSH, p. 85f Issoudun, 1892
Sevant Leadership
As we celebrate this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we can study His actions at the Jordan River as a powerful example of servant leadership. We see in Jesus a type of leadership that is characterized by humility and leading by example.
Certainly, the sinless Saviour did not need a baptism of repentance! But Jesus humbly made Himself one with his people to draw us to Him and create a relationship with us so that we would be open to His teachings and influence.
Immediately after His baptism, we learn of the powerful affirmation of the Father who opens the heavens, sends the Holy Spirit upon Jesus in bodily form, and says audibly, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased.” Let us be filled with gratitude for our amazing God and be reminded that when we are grateful followers of Jesus and servant-leaders in imitation of Him, the Father will be well-pleased with us, too.
As of 1 January 2025, weekday masses will be celebrated at 9:30am as outlined below:
Monday Kippax
Tuesday Liturgy of the Word Kippax
Wednesday Charnwood
Thursday Charnwood
Friday Kippax
Anointing of the Sick outside of Mass will take place at Kippax on the last Friday of the month.
5 Day Retreat with Fr. Chris McPhee msc
March 10-15 2025
St John the Apostle Catholic Church
Life is a Journey Retreat is a reflective, prayerful excursion that contemplatively aligns our personal journeys with the journey of Jesus,
focusing on transforming our past through the intimacy of God’s love.
Silence is a central part of this retreat; however, there will be times to share and interact with others on the retreat.
The retreat can be for any adult.
Register at: kippax@cg.org.au
Friday 17 January
Movie Night 7:00pm - Parish Library
Friday 17 January
Men’s Group 6:30pm - Parish Centre
Saturday 18 January
Community Connections 4:00pm – Parish Centre
Monday 20 January
Pins and Needles 7:00pm – Parish Library
Sunday 26 January
Australia Day
Monday 27 January
Australia Day Public Holiday - Parish Office Closed
Tuesday 28 January
Women’s Breakfast 7:30am – Bean Origin Café Belconnen
Friday 31 January
Anointing of the Sick after Mass
The Presentation of the Lord
Blessing of the Candles
Bring your candles to be blessed 1/2 February Masses
Saturday 5:00pm Vigil
Sunday 8:30am, 10:00am and 6:00pm
The 2025 Jubilee will be centered on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.”
The Jubilee began on December 24, 2024, with the official Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica, and runs to January 6, 2026, the Feast Day of Epiphany, with the Closing of the Holy Door.
2025 Sacramental Program Registration
If you would like your child to receive Sacraments in 2025 it is necessary for you to register.
Please register using the included QR Code.
Register before 31 January 2025.
Registration Night details will be advised soon
- Students in year 3 for the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist
- Year 6 for the Sacrament of Confirmation
For students attending non catholic schools who have not received these Sacraments from Year 3-6
5/32 Nettlefold St, Belconnen
St John's Friendship Group
Morning Tea
Wednesday 29 January - 10:00am - parish centre.
Please come and join us, you are all most welcome. Please bring a plate to share.
Thursday Night before 1st Friday
Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament
Gethsemane Thursday 6 February 7:30 – 8:30pm
Could you not stay awake with me one hour.
Matt 26:40
1st Friday of every month ■ 9:30am
Sacred Heart Mass Intention
7 February
The heart is the centre of our being, and the seat of our emotions and love.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes his great love for humanity. Jesus initiated this devotion out of his great love for us.
2nd Tuesday of the month Coffee Group
14 January at 2:00pm
Ichi Café at Kippax Contact: Barbara Mawson 6254 7989
3rd Sunday gathering
19 January at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Parish Centre
Monday 20 January – 7:15pm
Parish Library
in the parish library.
17 January 2025
"The Water Diviner"
Relax, Review, Reflect
We will be watching
Meeting Monthly 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Next gathering: Friday 17 January
St John the Apostle Parish Centre
For more information contact the parish office.
Young Christian Students
Students Years 7 - 12
Contact the Parish Office for more information kippax@cg.org.au
Help support your parish financially through regular giving.
Telephone the parish office for more details.
Bequest ♥ Have you ever thought of leaving
By remembering your faith community in your Will, you contribute to the spiritual legacy that has enriched your life. Your bequest ensures the continuation of the traditions, teachings, and support that have shaped your journey.
please contact the parish office for more information.
Have you noticed the Safeguarding poster in the foyer?
Do you know who our Safeguarding Officers are?
St John the Apostle Parish Kippax is committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community.
Safeguarding is a shared responsibility
19 Jan Acolyte Roster
5:00pm |
Helen Kennedy, John Drury |
8:30am |
Maria Scarr, Francesca Deklin |
10:00am |
Anthony Noakes, Maxime Kpudzeka |
6:00pm |
Nunga Umaru, Peter Le |
19 Jan Lector Roster
5:00pm |
8:30am |
Carmel Screen, Darren Maharaj |
10:00am |
Libby Kain, Kate Lawrence |
6:00pm |
Bernadette Murnane, Margaret Luck |
19 Jan Ministers of Communion
5:00pm |
Gordon Donnir, Marie McKie |
8:30am |
Theresia Suh, Sigrid Kropp |
10:00am |
Marini Ignatius, Shovin Weerawarnakula |
6:00pm |
Charlotte D’Cruze, Lionel D’Cruze |
19 Jan Hospitality Roster
5:00pm |
Carol Moore, Barbara Mawson |
8:30am |
Clyde Sloan, Norma Sloan |
10:00am |
Margaret Sheehan |
6:00pm |
Brian Mahony, Christine Lancaster
19 Jan SJAShop
5:00pm |
8:30am |
Sabina Van Rooy |
10:00am |
6:00pm |
Jenny McGee |
Weekly Rosters
Altar Society |
12 Jan |
Pat Gilchrist |
Church Cleaning: |
13 Jan |
Edgar Nnajide, |
Recently Deceased: Margaret Richardson [wife of Gary]
Pauline Burt, Jamie Bourke, Cooper McDonald, Mary Gorey, John Machin, John Burt, Mary Costelloe, Edna Lydon, Virginia Policarpio, Eamonn Kennedy, Terence Martin, Caterina Fallace, Ann Grannall, Phyllis Morrison, Alexander Beggs, Tara Ottewill, Frederick Felsinger, Shaun MacKey, Josephine Fox, Bradley Keenan, Albert Bingham, Josephine McLaren, Eugenia Kurzynski, Horace Staunton, Leonard Crowe, Ernest Hackett, Christopher Hemmingway, Claudine MacDowell, Danielle Sykes, Brendan Gibson, Chris Thamer, Bernadette Davis, Emauel Grech, Joan Casey, Nicholas McInerney, James Fitzgibbon, Kyall Green, Maxwell Lewis, Geoffrey Fisher, Michael Sweeney, Armando Arugay, Jane Packard, Frank Ripszam, Michael Ryan, Desmond Jones, Janelle Sykes, Marie Murphy
Mass Intentions for the week of 13 - 19 January
Mon 13/01 |
Wed 15/01 |
Thur 16/01 |
Jeevaraj Gunaratnam |
Fri 17/01 |
Robert Scarr |
Sat 18/01 |
5:00pm |
Special Intention |
Sun 19/01 |
8:30am |
10:00am |
Relatives of Christian Perera |
6:00pm |
please telephone the parish office to make a booking.