St John the Apostle Parish Kippax
is committed to the care,
wellbeing and protection of children,
young people and people at risk in our community.
wellbeing and protection of children,
young people and people at risk in our community.
Safeguarding Officers

St John the Apostle Parish – Kippax ACT
Safeguarding Commitment
Safeguarding Commitment
St John the Apostle Parish is committed to safeguarding and upholding the dignity and rights of all our children and vulnerable people.
We seek to empower children, their families and carers, and vulnerable people, to have a say, to be listened to, and to be protected.
This approach is at the centre of all of our thinking and action.
PARISH SAFEGUARDING VOLUNTEERSThe role of the Parish Safeguarding Volunteer is to be an additional point of contact in the Parish on matters relating to the safeguarding of children, young and vulnerable people, complementing the roles of the Parish Priest and Parish Secretary. They can provide advice on how complaints can be made, and forward concerns, relating to the protection safeguarding of children, young and vulnerable people within the Parish to the Institute for Professional Standards and Safeguarding Manager.